The Body of Christ Church Online
Who is Dr. Hoyt Noel?
I thought I might share a little information with those of you who might wonder who I am and why we are here at the Body of Christ Church Online
My Diplomas and Certificates
The wall in my office
MMin from Freedom
DD from St. Luke's
BAMin from UCMI
AAMin from UCMI
ThM from St. Luke's
Ordination from UCMI
Pastoral Oath
Letter of Acceptance from UCMI
Advanced Lay Speaker from UMC
Basic Lay Speaker from UMC
A few shots from over the years in my ministry
Preaching at St. Luke's
Leading Worship at East Griffin Baptist church
at Mom's grave in Roanoke, Ala
My ID picture from Freedom Bible College and Seminary
At the wedding I performed in Woodstock, Ga.
Brother Dave Ordaining me laying on hands
preaching at St. Luke's
Preaching at New Hope
The day I preached my first sermon at East Griffin Baptist Church
Leading the worship at East Griffin
New Hope Congregational Christian Church Roanoke, Ala. outside and inside
Forest Park UMC
To Whom it May Concern:
I dont know what it is you want here as a description of the indescribable, my salvation experience. I attended church with my grandmother from the time I was old enough to walk or at least as far back as I can remember. When my family moved to Conley, Ga. I was 13 years old. I started attending Conley First Baptist Church soon after. I was invited to the church by some of the members that came out on visitation. I found out that I liked this church and kept going. When I was about 15, God called me down the aisle and I accepted the Lord, Jesus Christ into my heart to become the Lord of my life. A few days later, I was baptized. When I graduated high school, in 1968, I was called by my country to serve and I joined the US Navy. I served for 4 ½ years and got my discharge in 1972. I attended a lot of other churches since I was saved and when I was about 28 years old, I was attending a big church in Florida where I first felt the call from God to preach. I know it was stupid to do so now, but at the time I did not want to go and preach. I fought against the call for too many years, first of all to be sure that He really wanted me to preach and secondly because I thought that I needed to make money and I had to do more worldly things to make money. Every time I would go to a different church, God would call me. I drifted from church to church until finally, I attended East Griffin Baptist and felt compelled to join. Gods pull on me was so great, especially when the pastor spoke of a shortage of pastors, I could not resist. Since then, I talked with God and I have preached, finding that God can and will speak his message through someone as lowly as even me. I feel that I need to equip myself fully in the knowledge of Gods word so that I can fight the long fight ahead and with God at my side, I might speak his word and see him call lost souls home. This is why I have through the leading of the Holy Spirit come to seek out ministerial studies. I need that tool of education so that I can put on Gods armor for the fight ahead against Satan and his minions.
I do want you to know however that I know I am a sinner for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. If it were not for the grace of God and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ I would be on my way to hell right now for my sins, but, Praise God Jesus interceded for me and now I am on my way to heaven to live in glory with God the father and him for all eternity. (Whoops I might be preaching). In any case, I am just thrilled and at peace with my calling from God and am determined to let nothing stand in my way of finishing the work God has for me.
I have been to Sunday school for 40 years, Vacation Bible School, Taught Sunday School for 4 years, took violin for 3 years, Sang in choir for 4 years, I served Mens Bible Class teacher, Senior Womens Bible class teacher, Alternate Association member, and usher. I preached on many occasions, at East Griffin Baptist Church(my former Church).
I attended "A" and "B" and "C" schools in the US Navy during the four and ½ years I served. I have attended Georgia Institute of Technology, Clayton State College, Pensacola Junior College, and Lurleen B. Wallace Junior College. I was formally ordained by United Christian Ministries International September 13, 2000. I received an Associate of Arts degree and a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry degree from United Christian Ministry Institute, A Master of Arts in Theology and a Doctorate in Divinity degree from Saint Luke Evangelical School of Biblical Studies. I also hold Masters and a Doctorate of Ministry degrees from Freedom Bible College and Seminary, where I am studying presently for a Doctorate in the discipline of Theology. I served as Senior Pastor at New Hope Congregational Christian Church in Roanoke, Ala. For two years and presently I am a certified Lay Speaker for the United Methodist Church, where I was a member at Forest Park United Methodist Church and served as Assistant Pastor. Very soon , it is my sincere plan to start a new church in the Metro Atlanta area. I attempt to keep myself available for counseling, teaching, weddings, funerals and any other pastoral ministry where I may be needed. I know the Lord wants more from me, and I intend to "Study to show myself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
(2Timothy 2:15, paraphrased)
I intend to be ready so "Whatsoever my hand finds to do, do it with my might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither I go."
(Ecclesiastes 9:10 paraphrased)
The Body of Christ Church Online was chartered in October of 2000. It has undergone many changes over the years with different hosts, web addresses and looks. At one time we had active members from around the world, but due to having to change hosts and URL's we seem to have lost touch with some of them. We are still actively seeking to do the will of God here.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Dr.Hoyt W. Noel Jr., D Min, D D, Th M
I hope this testimony and these pictures will help fill in some of the blanks about who Dr. Hoyt Noel is. If there is a need to contact me, please use that page. Remember, this church is not about me. It is about Jesus. It is about feeding my Lord's sheep, and bringing in the lost.